
Founded in 1898, Harmon Chapel Christian Church is a non-denomination congregation teaching and upholding New Testament Christianity.  We are part of a universal effort known as the Restoration Movement which seeks to restore the church of the New Testament in both principle and practice.  We adhere to no human creeds or man-made doctrines, but rather we strive to wholly exalt Jesus Christ and His Word.

We believe and accept the Bible as the full and final revelation of God to mankind.   We apply Bible names for Bible things and do Bible things in Bible ways.  We speak where the Scripture speaks and remain silent where the Scriptures are silent.

Our purpose is to be Christians only.  As such, we wear only the name that identifies with and honors Christ.  We advance no creed but Christ, no name but Christian.  In all essentials of faith we call for unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things, LOVE!  We believe Christian unity is important and desirable.  Our plea is for unity of all Christians upon a scriptural foundation.

Our worship services include songs of praise, prayers of thanksgiving, returning to the Lord of our means, proclaiming the Word of God and being around the Lord’s table.  The New Testament reveals the Lord’s Supper as being the central element of worship each Lord’s Day.  We therefore observe weekly communion in remembrance of Christ (Acts 20:7).  We strive to conduct all services in such a manner that all participants will be led to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and lost souls will be brought to Him in faith and obedience.  We welcome all people to be part of this effort.

  • Sunday Morning Service and Children’s Church begin at 10:00 a.m. with Sunday School after service.
  • Sunday Evening Worship begins at 6:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday Prayer Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.

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